Tung flower, its scientific name is Vernicia fordii.
In the past, the Tung trees are often used for business purpose. The Tung seeds can be extracted into oil, and the woods is the basic material for making consumer goods. Its economic value is very important at that time, especially for the Hakka people (One of Taiwan's ethnic, 15% of the total population).
Today, people are not rely on Tung planet for business purpose as much as the same. Instead, more and more people go hiking to enjoy the Tung blossom in spring, especially in April and May. If you want, you can see them in the mountain of Central Taiwan, some region of North Taiwan as well.
If you stay in Taipei now, there is a good place to see them and easy to get there by public transportation......
Chengtian Buddhist Tample (承天禪寺) & Tung Blossom Trail of the Tung Blossom Park (桐花公園賞桐步道).
# 1 Chengtian Buddhist Tample (承天禪寺).
Chengtian Buddhist Tample is a traditional Buddhist Tample. Last year when I went there with my friends, there is a big event held to celebrate Siddhārtha Gautama Buddha's birthday (who is regarded as the founder of Buddhism), and the celebration has a special name: Yu-Fo-Jie (浴佛節). Therefore, there are so many people, not just tourists, but also many pious, religious believers.
By the way, you need to mind the dress when you go to temple. Normally, it is not allowed to wear vest and shot-pants (even with stocking). Or you will get a piece of cloth to cover it (normally it is not pretty), just like me...▼
# 2 A woman gave me a cloth to cover my legs...even though I wear stocking. >////<
# 3 Chengtian Buddhist Tample.
Because here is a Buddhist place, so you can see many relevant things on the way.
# 4 The Buddhist flags, and we called it "Jin-Fan (經幡)".
Each flags with different color has different meaning. Normally, these colorful flags with five colors:
- Blue: Sky
- White: Cloud
- Red: Fire
- Green: Water
- Yellow: Land
The order of colored flags is blue, white, red, green, yellow, just like our nature environment.
Sometimes you can see the very reverent, religious Buddhist believers, who go to the temple not just by walk. Every three steps, they kneeling down to the floor, and put their hands on the forehead down to the floor, which means the highest respect the God.
# 6 Parking srea of Chengtian Buddhist Tample (承天禪寺).
If you drive by car, here is also a parking space for people. Due to I don't have car in Taipei, actually I don't know is the fee. But I saw there are so many cars here because of lots of tourists, I will suggest you it would be better to get here by public transportation.
Just next to the parking place, the entrance of Tung Blossom Park (桐花公園) is here. Here are several hiking paths that you can really the nature, and the beautiful Tung blossom.
# 8 Tung Blossom Trail of the Tung Blossom Park (桐花公園賞桐步道).
# 9 Tung Blossom Trail of the Tung Blossom Park (桐花公園賞桐步道).
The park is not big, you can finish in 2 hours if you just keep walking, walking, walking. Please slow down, just see and enjoy the beatuiful scenery around you! Interested? Come here to see the "May Snow"!
How to get there by public transportation:
- From Taipei city, you can take the MRT (Blue Line) to Yongning Station, and take the shuttle bus from Exit 3.
Sightseeing information:
- Chengtian Buddhist Temple (承天禪寺)
Opening time: 06:00-17:00
Admission: Free
- The Hakka Tung Blossom Festival Official Website: http://tung.hakka.gov.tw/